

: 48
게시물 검색
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    • Design and development of 5-GH…   
      ◦EGUN 코드를 활용, beam optics를 고려하여 전자총의 전국 구조 (cathode, anode, focusing electrode) 설계◦전자총 제작 및 조립을 위해 기하공차롤 고려한 Cathode 설계도 제작 
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    • Boron Neutron Capture Therapy   
      Accelerator based Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) system is considered to be more compact, safe, and useful than the nuclear power plant based BNCT. A new accelerator based BNCT project is started in Korea using 10 MeV proton beam linear accelerator. We designed the neutron generation target, and energy moderation assembly at the end of beam line. Beryllium foil is chosen as the neutron generation target. Since beryllium has serious problem of hydrogen blistering, however, good cooling mechanism should be adopted. In th…
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    • Measurements of neutron resona…   
      Neutron capture yields of dysprosium isotopes (161-Dy, 162-Dy, 163-Dy, and 164-Dy) were measured using the time-of-flight method with a 16-segment sodium iodide multiplicity detector. The measurements were made at the 25-m flight station at the Gaerttner LINAC Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Resonance parameters were obtained using the multilevel R-matrix Bayesian code SAMMY.