Welcome to POSTECH'S Division of Advanced Nuclear Engineering!
DANE opens its program starting from 2011 spring semester, with support from the World Class University (WCU) project, which is sponsored by the Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) to establish a world-class research and educational institute in the field of nuclear engineering through interdisciplinary study.
DANE aims to take a leadership role of world class nuclear engineering field through development of superior manpower in the nuclear-related field and research for securing stable nuclear energy and advancement of related technology.
The faculty of our present graduate course is consists of a total of 18 professors: 7 participating professors on campus and 11 foreign scholars from worldly-renowned nuclear engineering institutions. Both Korean and foreign nuclear specialists with broad experiences will bring quality education to DANE. The present graduate school will also secure core technology through fusion of each field of mechanical, material, chemical engineering and physics for improvement of cutting-edge nuclear technology, and will prepare a stable basis toward industrial and academic development.
DANE has completed its 3rdyear of WCU project in August 2013, and have been operating the division with a new project, which is BK21 plus. From the support of BK21 plus project DANE will foster nuclear field experts, and produce sustainable research as an independent educational institute even after completion of project period through assistance with related industrial firm such as Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Corporation, Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction Co. and POSCO as well as research institutes such as Nuclear and Radioactive Waste Management Corporation, etc. In addition, the present graduate school aims to academically prepare a frame of mutual development through assistance with universities of the nuclear engineering field in the neighborhood of Pohang, and to develop it to correspond to an academic will of POSTECH targeting top 20 universities in the world in 2020. The present department will also have regular exchange with the top-ranked engineering departments in the US, such as Univ. of Michigan and MIT, allowing students to learn global and latest research trends.
We believe that DANE will be a world-leading institute that offers exciting opportunities for quality graduate studies and the state-of-the-art research in nuclear engineering. Our faculties, staffs and students will work together to create the practical knowledge and to build concrete engine for national technologies for the next-generation of nuclear power.
We look forward to leading the future of nuclear power with you.
Thank you.