

핵물리 및 플라즈마 분야 | 플라즈마 파동 진단 시스템 / Plasma wave diagnostics system

페이지 정보

2017.02.07 / 2,259


자기 재결합 과정에서 발생하는 플라즈마 파동을 실험적으로 관측하고 연구하기 위해 광대역, 고해상도 RF 측정 시스템을 개발하였다. 이를 통해 whistler 파 등 다양한 plasma wave의 주파수 특성 및 편광을 측정하는 것을 목표로 하고 있다.

A broadband rf spectrometer has been developed to study plasma waves generated during the catastrophic collapse or crash of MHD instabilities.
In combination with ECEI, the rf diagnostic provides a unique opportunity to study the role of plasma waves in the magnetic reconnection physics and thereby the crash mechanism of MHD instabilities. The rf spectrometer was motivated by the theoretical work by P.M. Bellan on the importance of Alfven and whistler waves in the magnetic reconnection process (Physics of Plasmas 5, 1998).
The key features of the rf spectrometer system includes broadband spectral measurement (50~400 MHz) with fast time resolution (sub-microsec), wide-band fine-resolution spectral measurement (better than 1MHz) with msec time resolution, and the capability of polarization measurement.