

DANE’s Regular Seminar

페이지 정보

2022.04.18 / 2,311


 Date: 2022. 04. 21(THU)

 Time: 16:30pm ~ 17:30pm

▶ Speaker: Dr. Heung-Sik Kang(Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)

 Title: The brightest Light Source: X-ray Free Electron Laser


X-ray free-electron laser (FEL) facilities around the world, generating X-ray pulses with peak brightness approximately ten orders of magnitude higher than that of synchrotron radiation, have enabled a broad scope of scientific investigations in fields such as biology, chemistry, materials science, and atomic, molecular, and optical physics. PAL-XFEL is the third XFEL facility globally, following LCLS in US and SACLA in Japan. PAL-XFEL[1] has improved its XFEL performances remarkably since the user-service operation in 2017. For example, we achieved the self-seeded XFEL with a peak brightness of 3.2×1035 photons/(s·mm2·mrad2·0.1%BW) at 9.7 keV and the bandwidth of 0.19 eV[2]. The peak brightness we achieved is the highest to date. The characteristics of XFEL will be presented together with the overall performance of PAL-XFEL.