

DANE’s Regular Seminar

페이지 정보

2022.10.11 / 1,961


 Date: 2022. 10. 14(FRI) 

 Time: 10:00~11:00AM

 Venue :  Online(ZOOM)

     Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2076815786?pwd=UUNMbldJSjBlcXpEVUtHNzJPNmNZdz09

 Speaker: Prof., Wade R. Marcum(Senior Associate Dean, College of Engineering, Oregon State University)

 Title: Using Optical Fibers to Supplement Validation Quality Experiments


With the advancement of computational tools and methods for predicting nuclear reactor phenomena comes and equally important need to develop and utilize validation-quality instruments and experiments. At Oregon State University, in the School of Nuclear Science & Engineering, researchers utilize an optical fiber instrument to compliment existing traditional thermal hydraulic instruments to develop experimental data that support the validation of high spatial and temporal fidelity codes. This includes the measurement of solids mechanical response to hydraulic loads in dynamic form, as well as distributed temperature sensing to measure both temperature and fluid velocity fields.