

DANE’s Regular Seminar

페이지 정보

2021.05.10 / 2,795


< Information for this weeks seminar >

 Date: 2021.05.13(THU)

 Time: 4:30pm ~ 5:30pm

 Speaker: Dr. Sungjin Kwon(Korea Institute of Fusion Energy)

 Title: Multiphysics Analysis of Divertor System in Fusion Reactor


    The behavior of plasma and neutrals near the edge of the core plasma and adjacent to material surfaces plays a crucial role in the acceptability and performance of magnetic fusion devices. Power plant studies need to identify an acceptable tokamak design that can solve the high heat flux problem for plasma-facing components, including the divertor and the first wall. The plasma-wall interaction problem in the scrape-off layer (SOL) is also a critical issue for fusion. Thus, a key need of designs for future high-power devices is to identify and carefully analyze divertor strategies that can withstand or spread the exhaust heat flux to materials, thus making them available to be integrated into a self-consistent whole-device design.

    In that sense, the divertor is one of the most critical and challenging in-vessel components in the fusion reactor. The purpose of the DEMO divertor is different from the divertor of other experimental devices, including ITER, although the current concepts of DEMO divertor are similar to ITER. The thermal power on the divertor should be converted to electricity for electric efficiency since the purpose of DEMO is to prove the feasibility of a next-generation power plant. DEMO divertor is used in a limited operation scenario because it is used in a continuous operation environment, so the duty cycle should satisfy a ~ 70% level. Also, DEMO devices would be operated in a high neutron dose environment. Although different for each material, ~ 10 dpa/fpy levels are expected, so structural damage under high neutron irradiation should be considered in the selection of materials [4].

    The purpose of the seminar is to introduce the functions and challenges of the DEMO divertor and show the current status of K-DEMO and KSTAR divertor design activity. In the K-DMO divertor design, the preliminary results of edge-plasma simulation and engineering simulations, including thermal, mechanical, and electromagnetic analyses, are chiefly introduced.


< Reschedule Notice >

-5.20(THU) Cancel

-5.27(THU) POSTECH, Prof., Bae Young

-6.03(THU) POSTECH, Prof., Kam Jonghun