

DANE’s Regular Seminar

페이지 정보

2021.05.03 / 2,905



 Date: 2021.05.06(THU)

 Time: 4:30pm ~ 5:30pm

 Speaker: Dr. Hyun-Sik Park(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)

 Title: Research Activities on Nuclear System Safety in KAERI

▶ Abstract:

In this presentation recent research activities on nuclear system safety in KAERI will be introduced. Nuclear system safety research is being done mainly by researchers in Innovative System Safety Research Division (ISSRD) of KAERI. It is about reactor thermal-hydraulics and safety research supporting system design, safety analysis, technology validation and licensing.

First of all, KAERI organization and nuclear safety research will be introduced in brief. The hardware and software infrastructures in ISSRD will be introduced and 3 typical innovative safety technology being developed by ISSRD will be discussed. Finally cooperation and dissemination of ISSRD is introduced.

Thermal-hydraulics R&D for ALWR (advanced light water reactor, APR1400-large, SMART-small) is still very active at KAERI under the auspice of the government (MSIT, MOTIE). ISSRD cooperates closely with the regulatory body as well as industries to resolve safety issues and to cope with the changes in reinforced safety regulation.

ISSRD has a lot of important H/W and S/W infrastructures indispensable to reactor development and operation. Among them ATLAS, FESTA and RCPTF are introduced in brief. Validation of advanced analysis tools/methodologies are under way in parallel with the system code advancement together with code developer. MARS, SPACE, CUPID, etc., are developed by KAERI.

ISSRD are actively developing several innovative safety technologies ISTs. Among them 3 typical innovative safety technologies (ISTs) of HTS (heat transfer sensor), CB (Corium breaker) and PX (passive infinite cooling) are introduced.

ISSRD has been actively participating in several OECD/NEA- and IAEA-sponsored international programs and domestic cooperation programs such as ISP-50, IBE-2, OECD-ATLAS-1, 2, 3, PKL-4, RBHT, ISP-51, DSP-01~06, IAEA CRP (coordinated research project) on SMR (small modular reactor), and I-NERI with CUPID.