

The First Korean Host of International Fusing Conference

페이지 정보

2013.06.14 / 2,501


The First Korean Host of International Fusing Conference

POSTECH hosted the 8th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF) at the International Convention Center Jeju (ICC JEJU) from May 26 to 31. Professor Moo Hwan Kim (ME, DANE) was the chair of the organizing committee of the conference. It was the first time that international fusing conference, encompassing various study fields of nuclear energy, engineering, steel, etc., took place in Korea.
 ICMF has been held every three years in U.S., Asia, and Europe in that order, and due to the nature that this field, multiphase flow, is applied widely, it is conducted as the international “fusing” conference in which scholars from various fields around the world participate. At this conference, 800 experts from 39 countries released the results of research, and they shared visions and discussed future technology and industry. A foster session and an exhibition of application examples were held and 700 papers were presented during the conference.
 Multiphase flow, core field of energy and material transfer, are the phenomena in which more than two phases among gas, liquid and solid appear at the same time and make a stream of material. These phenomena are linked closely to the stability and energy production efficiency of nuclear or thermoelectric power plants and occur in various situations such as blood fluid and change of steel or plastic. Thus, this is applicable in most industry technologies and research fields.

* This is a news article appeared on The POSTECH Times on June 5, 2013.